Mummy Research Paper

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1. The first step in putting together a mummy was to gather the tools and parts that would be needed for the process. You need Linen and Glue, Linen was used to wrap the body, 12 layers thick, Canopic Jars , Canopic jars were special jars in which the internal organs were preserved, Table, The embalming table was specially designed at an angle so blood and bodily fluids could drain from the corpse, Natron, Natron was is a special salt-like substance found in Egypt, that played an important role in the drying and preservation during the embalming process, Knives, Tweezers, Awls and Needles, Knives and awls were used to open the abdomen for the removal of the internal organs, Bronze Hooks is used to remove the brain. 2. The first organ removed was the brain. The Egyptians believed that the brain was of little importance and it was thrown away when removed 3. This step was to remove the internal organs. The heart was the only organ that the Egyptians left inside because this is where they believed the importance of a person lived. 4.…show more content…
After removing the internal organs, they were washed palm wine. 5. Then they would be dried using natron. 6. After being individually preserved, the organs are stored in a canopic jar. The lids of canopic jars are shaped like the heads of Egyptian gods, the four sons of Horus. 7. Now that the drying process was complete, the bags of natron that had been placed inside the body could be

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