Multiple Choice Socio Exam

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1. Health 2. Which one of the following statements about anorexia nervosa is true? d) anorexia has been found in Iran, Turkey and India 3. Which one of the following did McKeown (1979) argue was the main reason for better public health in the twnentieth century? d) improved sanitation and nutrition 4. Which concept do critics of scientific medicine use to describe the use of drug therapies to treat chronic fatigue syndrome and ADHD? c) medicialization 5. Which of these statements about HIV/AIDS is not true? b) the effects of HIV infection on life expectancy are equally damaging across the globe 6. Parsons argued that there are three main pillars to the sick role. Which of the following is not one of the three? c) the sick person must accept being stigmatized 7. Which theoretical perspective studies illness as 'lived experience'? d) symbolic interactionism 8. According to Cockerham (2007), which single factor is 'the strongest predictor of health, disease causation, and longevity in medical sociology'? b) social class 9. How is 'disability' characterized in the social model of disability? b) disadvantage for people with impairments caused by society's organization 10. What are the main causes of disability in developing countries? d) chronic disease and long-term impairments 11. one general statement below best characterizes women�s health status? a) women live longer than men but experience more illness 12. In which century was anorexia was first identified as a disorder? c) 19th 13. Which one of the following does the term 'complementary medicine' indicate? b) treatment used as well as orthodox medicine 14. Which one of the following is NOT an assumption of the bio-medical model? b) the mind and body need to be treated together 15. Which one of the following is NOT a form of iatrogenesis as
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