Mountain Lion Essay

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The mountain lion is a fascinating animal. With its rich history, quick speed and agility, this animal is a fierce predator. Ernest Seton once said, “let us remember that the mountain lion is in all physical respects a cat, simply a cat multiplied by 20” (Savage, 1993, p.63). If an encounter with a mountain lion occurs, there are a few survival techniques, but preventative knowledge is the best route to avoid an unwanted outcome. The mountain lion is a large cat that is also known as a cougar, panther, yellow cat, puma, and several other names (Danz, 1999, p.13). Shoulder heights average around 30 inches and length is approximately eight feet (“Mountain Lion”, 2014). The tail is about one-third of the entire body length and these cats typically weigh between 75 and 175 pounds (“Mountain Lion”, 2014). However, the largest mountain lion weighed 276 pounds and was killed near Hillside, Arizona (Danz, 1999, p.44). The legs of the cat are very muscular and the back legs are much longer than the front, allowing the cats to increase their leaping abilities (Knight, 2005). Their fur is a solid, light brown color, but when they are young cubs, the fur will have spots, similar to a snow leopard (“Basic facts”, 2014). This animal, along with its cubs, has a varied geography across the western hemisphere. The species spreads from Canada all the way down to Argentina (“Basic facts”, 2014). In the United States, there are over 30,000 mountain lions (“Basic facts”, 2014), which makes this cat the largest member of the cat family present in the country (“Mountain Lion”, 2014). However, the Florida panther is very endangered with less than 100 living mountain lions still roaming (“Basic facts”, 2014). In Colorado, there is a high mountain lion density with one cat for every eight square miles (Busch, 1996, p.46). This cat is found in typical mountain regions, swamps, and also

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