Mount St Hellens Research Paper

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Mt. St Hellens On the 18th May, 1980, a huge explosion could be heard across the Cascade Mts, USA as Mt. St Hellens violently erupted. What caused the eruption? Mt. St Hellens is positioned on a destructive plate boundary, this means that two different type of plate are moving towards each other, a denser ‘Oceanic Plate’ (Juan de Fuca Plate) is moving towards a lighter ‘Continental Plate’ (North American Plate). As the Oceanic Plate is heavier as it has a body of water on it, in this circumstance ‘Spirit Lake’ it is forced to subduct under the lighter Continental Plate. When this occurs the plates can stick, this causes a huge amount of friction, heat and pressure to build up. As Mt. St Hellens hadn’t erupted for 120 years, this is around the length of time that the pressure had been building up for, and eventually the pressure became too much and Juan de Fuca Plate had to slip. AS it was forced down, it forced the magma up through the vents, however the previous eruption had created a ‘plug’…show more content…
These include.... * The eruption had left destruction in its wake, it created a ‘Pyroclastic Flow’ or ‘Nuée ardente’ (Glowing Cloud). This is a cloud of volcanic debris, made up of solid, semi solid and hot, expanding gases. The cloud behaves like a liquid, flowing down the slope of the volcano. It can reach up to and above 100Km/h and so destroys everything in its path. The pyroclastic flow from Mt. St Hellens destroyed everything within 25Km of the blast zone, this included all life and trees. Thousands of animals and birds were killed in an instant. * Amazingly only 57 people were killed in this natural disaster, mainly by the poisonous gases from the pyroclastic flow, but also from flooding. (Pyroclastic Flow on Mt St
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