Moses: The Man With Flawless Heroism

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In the book of Exodus, we encounter a great hero by the name of Moses. A man who had great encounters with God and through his many acts of heroism, he saved a nation from destruction. The thought of heroism, often viewed as a superman like image with superman like character but it was Moses flaws that made him heroic. If Moses were flawless in his actions, it would have led to the destruction of the Israelites. To fully comprehend Moses’s heroism we must first understand who he is, his calling and his relationship with God. The Pharaoh’s daughter adopted Moses and he grew up in their household under their ruling. There came a day when an Egyptian was mistreating an Israelite and Moses slew him (Exodus 2:12). At this point, the type of heart Moses had for his people is shown. He placed his life at risk for them, which led him to depart from Egypt. He was given the task by God to deliver the Israelites from their bondage (Exodus 3:10). This required him to confront Pharaoh on many occasions that eventually led to Pharaoh giving permission to the Israelites to leave Egypt. Throughout Moses’s life, the relationship he had with God evolved more and more. The first encounter that Moses had with God started at the burning bush. Through Moses and Aaron, God sent many plagues upon the Egyptians. He also used Moses to part the Red Sea so that Israelites can travel to the other side. Moses spent a lot time with God on Mount Sinai and there, God revealed himself to Moses. The fact that God did is significant because Moses requested it. There is some uncertainty that arises when the relationship between God and Moses is analyzed. When God told Moses that he has been chosen to lead the Israelites to the promise land, he replied with many excuses (exodus 4:10-16). Even though God was angry with him, he allowed Moses’s brother to speak for him even

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