Morgan’s Cyclical Aspect: from Celtic Legends to the Mists of Avalon

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Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro Seropédica, 08 de dezembro de 2012. Disciplina: Inglês V- Professor Alexander Luz Aluna: Vivianne Macedo Cordeiro- 201029024-9 Morgan’s cyclical aspect: from Celtic legends to The Mists of Avalon Abstract Medieval British literature begins with Matière de Bretagne that includes the Celtic-Breton legends. King Arthur and his heroic knights are one of the most well-known parts of these stories. In Arthurian literature, Morgan is always an important character. But she has so many faces, personalities and versions that readers can not really know what is the real and original Morgan. Maybe, there is no right or wrong version. Probably, Morgan was made of a blend of Welsh and Celtics deities and changed by Roman Christians. Marion Zimmer Bradley, in the Mists of Avalon, showed us a Morgan returned to its origins. Morgan, in this version of Arthur’s legend, is again a person that represents the Goddess (not an evil witch). Not a villain who enchanted Arthur and hates Guinevere (as she is so many times represented by many authors) but a sister who loves her brother and are part of the same fate. In this academic paper, I want to help clarify that Morgan has no “official” character’s persona. There is no an official author or book and the origins of the legend are so many that we can not know what is the first one. But the evidences show that Morgan has a Celtic- Breton origin and return to this in Marion’s version of King Arthur’s legend. So I am proposing a different approach about Morgan. I investigate Morgan’s “birth” as a character and her role as king’s sister explaining the beginning of Arthurian literature and its formation. I vindicate and explain how and why Morgan was so changed and recreated by Roman influences. This is also about Morgan and Arthur sibling relationship

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