Morgan Spurlocks Documentary

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McDonalds Menu Not So Easy to Swallow By Campbell Miller-Waugh SUPERSIZE ME (2004), the entertaining, compelling and engrossing documentary which follows the director Morgan Spurlock’s stomach-turning investigation of the habits of somewhat now ‘normal’ American people. In this film, Spurlock undertakes a 30 day McDonald’s binge which arose when he heard of two overweight schoolgirls who brought a lawsuit against the fast food firm. The suit failed to prove that eating McDonald’s was injurious to their health, and therefore, Morgan Spurlock sets out to prove just that. In his travels, he meets a wide range of interesting people: merrily deceitful lawyers, sycophantic food industry supplicants, and a handful of authoritative academics, all in which are assisting Spurlock’s case to demonise Micky D’s. To document the progress of this extreme challenge, he acquires the assistance of not one, but three doctors who give him thorough examinations before the beginning of this life-threatening quest. After the completion of these tests, he begins to live out “every eight year olds…show more content…
One example is during the time when Professor John F. Banzhaf III and Morgan Spurlock are conversing during a meal at McDonald’s. With some clever work from the cameraman, the two men are positioned at a table with the professor illuminated in the sunlight who is expressing his thoughts throughout the conversation and Spurlock positioned as if he is sitting next to Ronald McDonald who seems to be included in the conversation as well. Background noises include children yelling and screaming which creates an unhealthy image to young people that are convinced that McDonald’s is considered a healthy food. Mise-en-scene provides the audience with vital information about the setting and

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