Modifiable Health Determinants

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The Degree of Control Individuals can exert over their Health ample Modifiable and Non- Modifiable health determinants: Modifiable Health Determinants: This refers to those determinants that can be changed or controlled so they have a different level of influence on our health. If an individual has a greater sense of control over their life then they are more likely to be empowered to modify behaviours that impact negatively on their health. Control over our health increases when we can: * Acquire information * Make choices * Manage a situation that may be threatening * Use the skills that we possess. The mutual relationship between the individual and their social and economic circumstances is central to the control we are likely to exert over our health. Being in a position of socioeconomic advantage provides us with access to physical and social resources e.g. education, money, health services that can make our lives better. The health knowledge and skills that people possess is one area that can be modified to enable individuals to exert greater control over their health. Individuals can improve their knowledge and skills regarding their health through a number of organisations that provide free information and training in local communities’ e.g. family health clinics, various websites such as Beyond Blue. Non-modifiable Health Determinants: This refers to the determinants that can’t be changed or altered and includes a person’s genetics and the environment in which they live. Genetics refers to the material we receive from our parents which can include certain information that makes us predisposed to specific health conditions. Environmental factors such as geographic location, access to health care, availability of technology and various other environmental factors such as pollution are largely non-modifiable. People have very
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