Mitosis, Meiosis and Fertilization

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Mitosis, Meiosis and Fertilization Teacher Prep Notes By Dr. Scott Poethig, Ingrid Waldron and Jennifer Doherty, Department of Biology, University of Pennsylvania, 2007 Equipment and Supplies: Sockosomes (1 per student or 4 per group -- see chart on page 2) Optional: string to represent spindle fibers Sockosome supplies: Small or medium children’s socks (no more than half of any one color; even number of pairs of each color sock; preferably half small and half medium or otherwise all of one size) Fiber fill Small squares or circles of Velcro Needle and thread or fabric glue Masking tape and Sharpies Teacher Preparations: To produce sockosomes 1. Sew (or glue) one-half of a piece of Velcro (the fuzzy half) to the heel of one sock, and sew the other half (the part with hooks) to the heel of the other sock. 2. Fill each sock with fiber fill, and sew the end of each sock closed (sewing works much better than gluing for this step). 3. Stick the socks together at the heels. You now have a chromosome with two chromatids, where each sock represents a chromatid. 4. Pairs of homologous chromosomes will be represented by two sockosomes of the same color, one with a stripe marked along the length of each sock with a permanent marker (representing the different alleles on the two homologous chromosomes). Add a ring of tape around each sock in each sockosome to represent a gene that is inherited by simple Mendelian transmission. For each pair of homologous sockosomes, label the tape on each sockosome with a different allele of the same gene. For example: Albinism (a) (Albino) Albinism (A) (Pigmented skin) Obviously the allele labeled on both socks in a single sockosome should be the same. Use the chart on the next page to guide you, as you label half the pairs of homologous sockosomes of each color with the alleles for skin

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