Mission On Life

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What is a mission you are accomplishing on the earth? Up until these past four years, I was unsure of who I am or why I am in this etch-a-sketch of life. I had and continually possess so many passions for multiple different sectors of life, each growing into a budding flower containing the pedals of my success and the roots of my treasured and aesthetic life. My morals, determination and compassion for and by these roots have become something so prevalent in my life, that I find the idea of them being absent incredulous. By and through all of this practice, passion, performance and perseverance, I had felt a void, an unfinished thought per say, which I couldn’t find a place for. This thought turned into something so much more, and something that has bloomed into the flower of my existence. This “thing” was the question, “Why am I here”? I found this answer in a place that I had never been able to find before. I found this answer at a time when I didn’t know many things. And though I still am unsure of so many, I am now confident of the continual process I have stumbled upon to find this one. It now, in turn, is answering me. This answer came as the face of God. Every day I ask myself this question, and every day, this answer finds the tone that strikes it all. If God does exist, that means He is ultimate reality. If He created me for a reason, that's ultimately why I’m here. If I’m valuable to Him, that's ultimately what I’m worth. What He says is right is absolutely right and what He says is wrong is absolutely wrong. I may be a free moral agent with the freedom to make moral decisions, but that doesn't mean I can choose what actually is right or wrong; that just means I’m capable of choosing to be right or wrong. God makes the rules. The question is: will He enforce them? Will God ever hold me accountable for our moral decisions? The prevailing instinct among
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