Mimetic Criticism: a Study of Hispanophobia Towards Mexican Models in Luis Valdez Drama Los Vendidos

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Los Vendidos a drama by Luis Valdez presents a stereotype of Mexicans in American perspective. The drama is made based on a factual truth, it is correct that American still sees Mexican as a community that is in the lower status from them. The aim of this drama is to open the American perspective that the way they regard and see Mexican as they are poor, dirty, uneducated, and harsh community is totally ridiculous. American faces a hispanophobia, a feeling that they are afraid of the existance of hispanic and latino. In this essay the reality that happens in America that the american faces a hispanophobia towards the mexican is actually true and the drama is the imitation of the factual condition in America. A mimetic criticism is the most apropriate criticism to depict hispanophobia that happens in american community. This criticism is actually from a greek word that means imititation. The imitation here is a literary work itself that imitate a reality, also how well the portrayal of a reality in that text is highly needed in this criticism. Then, another aspect that will be analized is hispanophobia. There must be a reason why american feels uncomfortable with hispanic. For many people there was a belief that the darkness of a person's skin had a direct correlation with their intelligence as well as their level of ability and intelligence. This special kind of racism is known as Hispanophobia.“Hispanophobia is a fear, distrust, aversion, or discrimination of Hispanic people, Hispanic culture and the Spanish language”. (http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hispanophobia). Hispanophobia is divided into three main stages, first is 16th century Europe, reawakening during 19th century, such as the Spanish-American and Mexican-American Wars, and finally increasing in the same time with political controversies such as bilingual education and illegal immigration to the United

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