The Experience of Self-Realization in 'The Metamorphosis'

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In “The Metamorphosis,” Franz Kafka illustrates the experience of self- realization through isolation and perspective. By incorporating details through setting and interaction as well as diction, one is able to see the transformation that Kafka’s character, Gregor, goes through. This can be observed not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally as well. His attention to specific details in both the setting of his story and the interaction between characters is key in the overall reception of the piece. Gregor was shut “[in] his room” and “left again in darkness” after his big metamorphosis into an insect. The fact that Gregor is always isolated and alone in his room is touched upon often. Through this isolation, he is able to ponder and turn over his life in his head. As a bug he has nothing else to do. When he was a regular human, it seemed he would never choose to spend his free time in such a way, if he had any free time to begin with. The interactions between Gregor and the rest of his family also played a big impact on his internal change. He was “filled with rage at the way they were neglecting him” and felt that such an event required “patience”, but he was really just “invisible to the family.” This interaction, or lack thereof, also gave him time to himself. Through this, he focused more and more on his needs and impulses instead of always concerning himself with the needs of his family. The details added to the storyline as well as the theme of changing for the better. Diction also aided in the forming of the intended theme. At first, Gregor was concerned that he “better get up” because he needed “enough money to pay back [his] parents’ debts” and could not “avoid a row with the chief.” Initially, he is consumed with thoughts about work, train hours, traveling for business, and his family’s needs. The words used mirror these
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