Mentally Ill Criminals

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Mentally Ill Criminals In the United States, capital punishment is also referred to as the death penalty. It is the highest, as in the most severe punishment that a citizen can be sentenced to. There has been an ongoing dispute as to whether or not mentally ill criminals such as grossly insane offenders should be able to face death penalty charges. According to the United States federal government, the legal definition of being insane is having a mental illness of such severe nature that a person cannot distinguish fantasy from reality. According to the Supreme Court, for a person to receive capital punishment, it is required that they have a rational understanding of the reason and effect of the execution. Some people would argue that…show more content…
How does one run away from the death penalty? The insanity defense is used as a loophole, instead of by truly mentally ill people who have committed a crime. (Valkin 1.) Criminals will plead insanity or claim that they have some sort of mental illness so that therefore, the death penalty or whatever type of punishment they are receiving is less harsh. An example would be of a man well known and hated throughout the state of Colorado, Mr. James Holmes. Mr. Holmes shot up the Aurora mall Cinema on the night of July 20th 2012.While on trial, it was no surprise to me that he was facing death penalty charges. What did surprise me was the fact that he wanted to plead insanity. It is not fair for those who truly are mentally ill and have been diagnosed with it for years opposed to James Holmes where he never had records of having such type of illness. It is smart, but not fair. A similar case happened a few years ago. In the case of John Errol Ferguson, he was delusional believing that as the Prince of God, he was being executed so he can save the world from communism, among with other paranoid delusions. Ferguson cannot rationally connect his criminal punishment and perceive the finality of the execution (MENTAL ILLNESS 1). The difference between James Holmes and John Ferguson is that John had already been diagnosed with a mental disorder years before he…show more content…
If someone is mentally ill, their condition should not excuse them from their crime or offense. They should still receive the proper treatment for their condition while serving time for whatever crime they committed.If one is truly clinically insane then they should not go unpunished, but they should receive an appropriate punishment. An appropriate punishment should all depend on the nature of the crime and the nature of the illness. It would be very beneficial to everyone to put their attention towards the treatment instead of the punishment. It would not be safe to place a grossly insane person in prison for basically the rest of his/her life. It would not be safe for him/her or the other incarcerated inmates. A better place to have these criminals put in is a sanitarium, which is a medical facility for people with long term illnesses. If these people are given good rehabilitation, they are less likely to become repeat offenders. This alternative from the death penalty benefits for both the individual and our society as

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