Memory Performance: The Importance Of Improving Memory

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Memory performance is influenced by the modality that the stimuli presented and there was some type of encoding activity that was employed (Aleman et al., 2002). An illustration could include how mental imagery can produce a substantial increase in the amount of remembered material. Experiments show how subjects used presented words by vocalizing them, mouthing them silently or writing them down. An experiment made their subjects list down words on a computer monitor as they were asked to read the words either aloud or silently. Results of this study showed that visual presentations are better remembered when they were read aloud by the subject compared to when they were read silently (Aleman et al., 2002). There was also an auditory advantage…show more content…
To remember something new, it must be clearly inculcated in the brain. It requires time and effort to learn new concepts. To let the learned information stick to the brain, a good language learner must learn how to use learning strategies to overcome any language barriers otherwise that learners will certainly fail. These strategies offer particular advantages and the use of an appropriate learning strategy can surely enhance success with any learning task (Sabuncuoglu, 2013). Learning to use memory-improvement strategies effectively will reduce the risk of forgetting information that the learners had learned and studied and will help learners store and retrieve information in an orderly string. It will also reduce the amount of study time spent on memorizing information through sheer repetition. Hence, this will open-up more time for comprehension and higher forms of thinking. Mnemonic device is a memory-directed tactic that helps a learner transforms or organizes information to enhance its “retrievability” (Snowman, 2000). This device comes in different form, style and complexities (verbal or visual) and it requires constant practice (Pillai,…show more content…
(Smith & Phillips Jr, 2001, p.
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