Melinda's Use of Plato

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Melinda will use Plato’s theory that there is more to the human being then just flesh and blood, there is a soul that exist. There is a metaphysical aspect of the human cell. Everything had to be a first move nothing comes from nothing. How do you know if souls exist? Today we could say this is part of the “what if” factor, what if they let Matthew die what happens to his soul or just plain Matthew? Melinda would have to convince Melissa that souls exist by making her understand that everything comes from something. That Matthew was and still is Matthew. “The real Matthew is a soul-and it’s only temporarily housed in his body”(“The Accident”, 4). Even being brain dead he is still Matthew. From Plato’s “defense” of existence of the soul, Melinda may use the fact that they should not tamper with Matthew’s soul. Of course, she would be speaking for a metapsychical stand point at the same time worrying about her own soul. Melissa would argue that Matthew is gone meaning there is no soul left. When he was no longer able to function on his own he was then just a shell. Nothing left but a shell. This is now the human physiology. There is no life left in Matthew, at least nothing he can do on his own therefore he is no longer Matthew. Melissa would exploit Melinda’s weekness in her argument by saying, the soul is not tangible. Therefore you will not be able to feel, taste, or touch and neither will Matthew. Matthew’s beaten up body is tangible and after seeing the extent of tubes and other various hospital equipment it is safe to say that Matthew’s soul is not a deciding factor in keeping him on life support. There is really no real conclusion to this story. You have two sisters that have to decide what to do with a brother that is brain dead. Although Matthew has a directive that only extends to emergency trauma, which he is no longer under. Then the life support should
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