Medcs and Ledcs

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Comparison Between MEDC and LEDC The comparisons between MEDC- More Economically Developed Country and LEDC-Less Economically Developed Country are many and varied but are mainly related to finance which gives the MEDC a higher standard of living for its occupants than those of the LEDC. Geographically most MEDC are situated in the northern hemisphere were as the LEDC are mostly in the southern hemisphere. Most MEDC are well advanced or have completed their development period for example the United Kingdom were as the LEDC are still in the early stages. Development of a country can be shown in a demographic transition model; this model consists of four stages. Stage one is pre modern which is when the birth rate and death rate fluctuate between each other which keeps population at a low, but stable point. Next is urbanizing and industrializing, at this stage the death rate drops due to better health care, standard of living etc and causes the population to increase quite quickly. Stage three is called mature industrial in this phase the birth rate stays high and the death rate is low so the population still increases quickly due to better technology. Lastly is the post industrial stage where the birth rate drops to the same level as the death rate which causes the population to become steady once again. An MEDC would be in stage four or nearing the end of it where and LEDC would be in the early stages. To start the comparisons I will talk about the difference between death rates and birth rates in both types of country. In MEDC the birth rate is low due to wide access to contraception and family planning, women are choosing to pursue a career which leaves them with less time to bear and look after children. In an LEDC the birth rate is high because the more children a family has means the greater the work force to go put and earn money. LEDC have a higher
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