Meat Morality Essay

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Meat Morality Many animal rights activists claim that the act of eating meat contributes to animal cruelty. Michael Pollan would refute this claim saying that we, as humans, can and should eat animals as long as we treat them with respect while they are alive. In his article, “An Animal’s Place”, Michael Pollan addresses the moral issue of whether or not it is right to consume animals. He goes to great lengths to research this topic to find a justification to eat meat. He does a great job supporting his opinion that we should be able to eat animals, by using narratives, compare and contrasts, and citing experts that he researched. Not only did his thesis recognize the problem of animal cruelty but, it also proposed a solution which fortified his article. Pollan’s use of narratives brought perspective to his article which. In his opening paragraph, Pollan sets himself at a restaurant, eating steak while reading Peter Singer’s book “Animal Liberation.” Pollan uses the book his reading to address his problem as a meat eater. Pollan uses this narrative to make a personal connection with the reader by hinting to the reader that they too have a moral obligation to question whether eating meat is right. I think this narrative made his introduction powerful enough for the reader to be interested enough to read on. The narrative is also set a conversational tone to the article which also helps Pollan’s thesis since it fortifies the personal connection between the reader and the article by making the reader understand his point in the most coherent terms instead of terms a scientific expert would use. Pollan’s narratives show that the support for his thesis doesn’t only consist of secondary sources but also personal experience. In order to argue against Singer and the animal rights activists, Pollan has to research where their argument comes from. He guides us through

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