Meaning Of Wealth

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Meaning of Wealth One of my favorite sayings is, “Spread the Wealth!” Wealth can be understood many different ways. When this quote is said it could be referring to food, money, laughter, and many more things. I sometimes see someone with a huge cookie or a fifty dollar bill and I might as well say “Hand it over!” Wealth is a large amount of money or possessions. Many people consider Bill Gates, Larry Miller, Ted Turner, or Steve Jobs wealthy men. They all had to work hard to earn their money. They all started out like you and me and worked to earn all of what they have today. They may have had a few lucky breaks but they never gave up in achieving their dream. Some people are inherently wealthy, for instance, children who inherit money from their parents or grandparents. Some inherently wealthy people work hard and have jobs, but others waste the money on something stupid and have enough money they don’t have to word a day in their life. Most of the movie stars and athletes these days are obsessed with material goods. Some television stations have shows showing society what celebrity has the biggest house and how much everything they own is worth. Celebrities are trying to show us what it is like to live the good life, and most teenagers become jealous and are not thankful for what they have. The good life to the celebrities is having the most stuff and the most money. I think all celebrities should be role models. They choose the lime-light, so now they should have to live up to a higher moral code. Same as teachers, police officers, and doctors. However, I think we focus and gossip about them too much and give them too much influence in our lives. Do not get me wrong, there is a healthy way to be wealthy. For instance, a person who starts a business and works hard at it just to make the world a better place is wealthy. They give people jobs and give
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