Mayan Calendar Essay

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The Mayan Haab Calendar. Done by Selma Chavaria The Mayan Haab Calendar The Maya were among the most innovative astronomers of their time. They used monuments, buildings and wooden implements to observe celestial bodies. Evidence confirmed that they have found ways to capture the passage of the sun, moon, and Venus. They observed and predicted lunar eclipses and created the length of a tropical year as 365.2420 days. The astronomical data found by the Maya were used to come up with two calender systems that served both practical and religious goals. These included the Haab known as the solar calendar, and the Tzolkin known as the ritual calendar. When placed together they create the Long count. The Haab , the solar calendar or the Vague calendar was divided into eighteen months with 20 days in each. It is called the solar calendar because it was made under solar observations. It is called the vague calender because unlike the Christian calender which also is 365 days , it doesn't have a leap year. The final five days of the Haab cycle is called Wayeb. These are unpredictable days, not for planning important events or traveling away from home. In other words those were the unlucky days. Each month of the Habb Calendar has its significance. The first month is called Pop - Mat which is symbolic of community and marriage its is preceded by fasting and abstinence and on nthe first day of the year there was gift giving and drinking. Somewhat like how we celebrate our new years day. The second Month is called Uo meaning frog and physicians and shamans made offerings to Itzamna known as the God of Magic and Patron Priests. This is when predictions of the year were made and the priests were given their role or jobs the had for the year. The third month known as Zip meant read and it was a month to honor the god of hunting Ek Zip. Hunters and fishermen blessed their

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