Maus Journal Assignment

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Journal Assignment The book Maus is written by Art Spiegeleman, a son of Vladek Spiegelman, a Jewish Holocaust survivor. It is not a conventional book, Art writes his dad's survival story as a novel, a documentary, and a comic book. While on its surface it appears to be a documentary of a Holocast survivor, the central narrative of the book deals extensively with the relationship between Vladek and his son. It seems that Art wrote his dad's story as a way of coping with his own feelings of guilt. As I started to read this book, I could not put it down, mainly because the relationship between Vladek and Artie resembles the relationship of my dad and my grandfather. My gradfather, Getzel, is a Holocausr survivor that escaped from the concentration camp and lived in a whole in the ground in a forest, surviving from left over's that he managed to find once in a while in a…show more content…
Although it was very expensive it was very important or my dad to send me to a trip to Poland. I never heard the story of my grandfather from him, only through my dad. He was too unstable and my dad did not want him to relive those times. It is a two week trip to Poland with a Holocaust survivor that guide us through what he have been through, we been in all the museums, and the concentration camps. As we have watched the movie about the Holocaust in class all the images that I witnessed came back, I saw the gates with the in craving of "Work will set you free", the gas showers, and the gethos. What influences me the most is to see piles of reading glasses, pilles of shoes, pilles of hair. Each item used to belong to someone that got murdered brutally. The Nazis were very organized and calculated, they did not wanted to waist anything. Weapons and bullets were too expensive and took too much time, so they arranged even larger massacred at the gas showers, and later the ovens that did the job even easier. They were all about

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