Matsushita Case Analysis

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MATSUSHITA CASE ANALYSIS STRATEGY 1. Advertising Strategy: Matsushita use a brand name different from the company name and promoted it through advertising. 2. Distribution Strategy: Matsushita create a different channel of distributions by dealing with retailers and offer trade financing with close and continuing partnership. Matsushita introduces instalment sales and the use of point of purchase displays in retail outlets. 3. Pricing Strategy: Matsushita commensurate reduce production cost with reduce price so has to increase his market share and establish barriers to entry for new and existing competitors. Matsushita emphasized on followership through good quality and low price. 4. Growth Strategy: Matsushita invest 4% of sales in research and development so as to be equipped with the latest technology and to encourage growth in the long run. 5. Profit Strategy: Matsushita believe in retaining profit i.e reinvestment of profit to encourage growth and development. STRUCTURE 1. Divisional Structure: Matsushita believe in divisional organisational structure as a means of keeping things small and entrepreneurial. 2. Establish independent divisional managers and distinct product categories (so as to measure performance of managers) 3. Emphasized strong customer orientation at divisional level. 4. Matsushita sought to gain the advantage of smaller companies so as to evolve specialize expertise. 5. Matsushita create a comprehensive centralized accounting system and a cadre of controllers reporting to headquarters. 6. Matsushita instituted a company bank into which divisions profits flowed and from which divisions had to solicit funds for capital improvement. 7. Matsushita centralized the personnel function by ensuring that recruitment and promotions comes from headquarters. 8. Matsushita create a training system that place heavy emphasis on Matsushita

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