Matel Swot Essay

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Mattel: Overpowering Marketing & Manufacturing Challenges SWOT Analysis Strengths - Mattel has a powerful brand and many products that are currently loved and viewed with nostalgia by people around the globe. The strength of their brand and brand families can help them weather economical storms. They also enjoy a strong leadership that insists on corporate social responsibility and takes great strides to ensure that stakeholders are ethically treated according to local laws, cultures, and customs. Weaknesses – Barbie and Hot Wheels account for 65% of Mattel’s annual sales, leaving the proverbial eggs all in one basket. Mattel has also been slammed by negative press, which has maligned its reputation for product safety. Recent forays into the technology arena have left Mattel battered and gun-shy as they struggle to gain a foothold in the gaming market. Opportunities – Children still play with toys allowing Mattel to continue doing what it does best: make toys and games. More adults are finding wealth that allows for some degree of luxury spending: nostalgic collecting and toy purchases for the next generation of children extends the product life cycle of some products. Websites, social media, and electronic games are wide open opportunities that Mattel can enlist to increase sales of existing products and introduce new ones. Threats – Mattel is a major player in the toy and game industry, making them targets for every competitor, as well as placing them center on the stage of public scrutiny. Beside the fierce competition for the toys, imagination play, and board game market, Mattel must compete with electronic games and other “virtual” forms of entertainment. Increasing concerns about manufacturing processes in foreign markets will challenge Mattel to develop better oversight in order to maintain product safety and to ensure fair and ethical treatment

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