Marriage vs Conhabitation

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Marriage vs Cohabitation Do you pick marriage over cohabitation (living together) ? Marriage rates are as low as they have ever been and cohabitation has seemed to become quite normal. They both have many differences; how decisions are made, how money is handled, and structure of the relationship. They both also have some similarities as well. First comes marriage, Surely marriage has a lot of legal matters to come with it but one in specific is when a partner in the marriage becomes sick the other partner is allowed to make any decision with or without their partner or family members conscent. Also marriage carry’s along complete sharing. One in particular is joint bank accounts. Many arguments come from financial standings in marriage. Finally, marriages make the partners bond harder to break. Marriage brings a family structure, and nothing is more important than family. On the other hand, cohabitation has limited privileges. It allows partners to have unstructured ways. For example, if your partner gets sick, you have no say so in what decision is made. As far as money goes, they might share the electric bill but pay their own personal bills, like cell phones. With cohabitation, If it doesn’t workout with the other partner then you can just break up or leave. Cohabitation is not family structured. Marriage and cohabitation also has a lot of similarities. Both involve two people who are in a long-term relationship living together for a long period of time. Married or Hudson 2 not, partners care and love for each other. The partners share finances to help each other out. Even though marriage and cohabitation are very different, they are both much the same too. All people are not the same. Different people

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