Mark Twain In Heidelberg

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Mark Twain’s: A Tramp Abroad In Mark Twain’s book “A TRAMP ABROAD” Mark Twain Travels throughout Europe on foot learn more about art and to possibly learn German along the way. 1In the beginning of this journey this forty-five year old man searched for a companion to accompany him on foot throughout all of Europe; he studied many people to find anyone who he felt was fit for a journey this task at hand. 1 He came across a man named Mr. Harris who had looked the part for this adventure across Europe by foot. 1Coincidently Mr. Harris took an interest in both art and learning the German language which helped them get along that much better. 1Their first destination was Frankfort-on-the-Main, which is one of sixteen cities to have the incident where the Saxons chased Charlemagne or vice versa, depending on who you spoke with, there is also a legend in Frankfort that was introduced to Mark Twain called “THE KNAVE OF BERGEN”. 1The legend called “THE KNAVE OF BERGEN” takes place at a masked ball where a man in an all black suit of armor that had asked, begged and pleaded to dance with the queen many times and got his wish but, no one at the ball knew who this man in all black was for his face was covered. 1At the end of the ball it is a tradition to remove your mask to reveal who it is you really are everyone did so accept the man in black. 1After the king had ordered him to take off his helmet he was recognized by no one except two officials, which is never a good thing, so the king commanded to capture him for he was a criminal how had brought disgrace to the crown. 1Admitting to his wrong doing he asks for the king to knight him so that what he had done would no longer leave a stain on the crown of Frankfort so, with that the king agreed and knighted him right then and there bringing honor to the crown once again. Next Mark Twain went to Heidelberg Germany,
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