Marisol Act 1 Scene 1 Stage Production

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Marisol, by Jose Rivera, is a playwright that is focused on Magical Realism to generally portray the message that the wealthy and privileged must give their attention to the unfortunate. It is right in the beginning, from the first scene of the first act, that the audience witnesses a very strange and pernicious opening. As Act 1, Scene 1 is being discussed and performed; I would like to stress emphasis on the “Citibank MasterCard” (p. 11), which is a reoccurring importance. This scene is one of the most important and impacting of the others, for it sets a foundation and let’s the audiences understand, even a grasp, of what is going on. Scene 1 of Act 1 plays a huge role in the play itself. Not only is it a scene that introduces the entirety of the play, but also it impacts how people understand it. Marisol and Golf Club get into a seemingly meaningless dialogue that is rather confusing, but we eventually come to the point where Marisol says, “(To God.) Okay, God! Kill him now! Take him out!” (p.11). With this scene as it is, there are many questions that would arise and one of them would be, “Does Marisol know that the Angel exists? What is the job of the angel? It does, on page 10, state that “She has no idea she’s being watched by an angel.” And, “Why does Man with Golf Club mention his Citibank MasterCard?” As we get further into Marisol, we come to realize many things and many of these questions get answered. First, we learn that Marisol does, in fact, understand that the Guardian Angel was watching over her before she went off to war. Next, we learn that three different characters mention the Citibank MasterCard: Man with Golf Club, Woman with Furs, and Jean. In the play, these people are all complaining in some sort of way because their MasterCard doesn’t work anymore and that results in their pain whether it is physical or mental. Rivera wishes to
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