Marine Ecosystems Essay

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Introduction A marine ecosystem is defined as a community and the interactions of living and non-living things in an area. A marine ecosystem has many distinct organisms and characteristics that are made up of unique physical factors. A marine ecosystem includes areas of the deep sea such as coral, kelp forests, and the open ocean to the sandy shores. Many marine ecosystems are very productive. An example would be of the abyss plain at the very bottom of the ocean that contains pockets of vast life that spread far apart from each other. Some parts of the marine ecosystem are hidden away from sun where photosynthesis cannot occur. The Marine ecosystem is one of the largest ecosystems on earth. The ocean includes the abyssal plain, the abyssal plain, deep sea corral, brine pools, polar regions, coral reefs, deep sea, hydrothermal vents, kelp forests, the open ocean, and sandy shores to name a few. A marine ecosystem houses a large intriguing group of organisms. Organisms found in a the marine ecosystem and consists of many organisms such as fish, dolphins sharks, coral, sea weed, crabs, jelly fish, shrimp, krill, and other dangerous yet unbelievably beautiful sea creatures. The organisms that live in a marine ecosystem include four levels that include level one which is called the foundation of the sea. These organisms feed on the abundant plant life within the ecosystem. Billions of one cell organisms such as phytoplankton saturate upper ocean floors. These very tiny plants and bacteria capture the suns energy and through a process such as photosynthesis; convert nutrients into organic compounds. Level two is called herbivores these organisms feed on the oceans abundant plant life. Microscopic animals such as zooplankton and the larvae from stages of fish drift across the ocean eating and grazing opportunistically. Some larger herbivores include the green turtle and

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