Marijuana Vs Alcohol

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Alcohol versus Marijuana By: Will Davis Alcohol versus marijuana; which one is worst? Both are a drug that is used significantly today. One causes violent crimes and even death, and the other doesn’t. There are health risks, and against the law to have. Why are the things the way it is now with alcohol and marijuana? One is all over televisions programs and sponsorships with sports teams and the other is just say no to the drug. But still, which one is worst? If I understand right, I believe that alcohol would be worst than marijuana. Every time I used alcohol I feel like I can’t drive my car, talk correctly, better yet function correctly, and sometimes angry for no reason why. When I’m on marijuana I feel very happy and realized, like…show more content…
This is the side effect that alcohol has on a human being: Relaxed, euphoric experience, fun in movement and dancing, less shy to things like these, vomiting, headache, improved sleeping patterns, short term/long term memory loss, next day hangover, blackouts, in extreme cases alcohol poisoning leading to death.” Now a person that uses marijuana can experience the same similar high as they were on alcohol. The Associated said this about marijuana, “marijuana users will experience a relaxed, euphoric experience, music and movies come to life, and become more animated, colors sticks out more, stress reduction, haziness, improved sleep patterns, appetite stimulation, paranoia, nervousness, anxiety, and short term memory…show more content…
Last year there were approximately three million cases of reported violent crimes last year that has to do with alcohol. These cases have to do with domestic violence’s, sexual assaults, and worst rape. “Marijuana was absent from both crime reports and scientific reports,” said the retired police officer. The retired police chief asked police officers around the country and also in Canada two questions, “When was the last time you had to fight someone that was under the influence of marijuana?” Well he said that,” most of them had to really think this one out and them all told him that they never had to fight anybody that was under the influence of marijuana.” Now for the next question he said, “When was the last time you had to fight someone that was under the influence of alcohol?” They all look at their watches and said, “oh not too long ago.” The retired police officer had this to say at the end of his research, “Anybody out there wants to launch a campaign for the re-prohibition of alcohol? I didn’t think so. The answer is. Of course is responsible drinking. Marijuana smokers for their part have already shown (apart from the little matter known the law) greater responsibility in their choice of drugs than those who choose
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