Marian Forrester Analysis

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Marian Forrester and Her Fabulous Relationships Mrs. Forrester was always respected for her personality but she was never able to possess a relationship that succeeded. Some may view Marian Forrester's long-standing affair with the masculine Frank Ellinger as a fatal character flaw, it can also show contend that its existence and its abrupt demise via long distance telephone call illustrate a vital stepping stone along her journey of personal growth, and gives an important piece of the puzzle that is her evolving ideal of love. As soon as Marian Forrester storms into Neil's house in the middle of the night, we learn that she has braved the rain, mud, and (especially), the ford crossing that was “'up to a horses belly'” with flood water (Cather…show more content…
Captain Forrester believes in courtesy, which can be seen when he specifically asks each woman if his cigar smoke will offend her. (28) We also see his chivalry when he carries Marian through the wilderness after she hurts herself. Lastly we see that Captain Forrester is generous because when his bank fails he gives the investors money out of his own pocket rather than just abandoning them. Captain Forrester’s values symbolize the values of the pioneer generation, hope, chivalry, courtesy and most importantly generosity. The generosity of the pioneer generation shows that the rich of the pioneer generation were not greedy; their goal was not just to make a profit but also to do what was fair and honest. His relationship with Mrs. Forrester is very complicated because the captain does know that his wife is cheating on him but he expected this too happen because she is a very beautiful woman with many needs. Niel even thinks that Mr. Forrester knows Mrs. Forrester better than herself. “The longer Niel was with Captain Forrester in those peaceful closing days of his life, the more he felt that the Captain knew his wife better even than she knew herself; and that, knowing her, he, to use one of his own expressions valued her” (72) Mr. Forrester knows what Mrs. Forrester needs and was always able to do it until he had his fall in the mountains. This fall encumbered him only to sit around and do almost nothing so they did not visit Colorado Springs anymore. This made Mrs. Forrester
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