Manifestation of Free Will

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“Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it. Do not count on them. Leave them alone” Ayn Rand. There are many defining characteristics as to what constitutes human character. The ability to communicate, empathize, and reason are all parts of human nature. In many philosophies around the world free will is considered one of the most important parts of human being and quintessential in upholding dignity. The short novel The Anthem by Ayn Rand is conducive to the discussion of free will. The main character Equality 7-2521 struggles to reconcile his inquisitive nature in contrast to the world he lives in which he has been conditioned to believe truths given to him by the ruling elite. Free will is manifested in the novel, when characters such as Equality 7-2521 becomes skeptic and begin to reason everything that they have been told. Equality 7-2521 achieved free will by, firstly, his desire to know, by deep thought and questioning widely held truths of his collective society. Secondly, Equality 7-2521 acted on his skepticism and acquired knowledge through his love of science. Lastly, Equality 7-2521 achieves free will by going on his journey of self discovery. Ayn Rand’s “Anthem” is a novel that follows an individual’s journey from living in a collective society, to self discovery. Firstly, Equality 7-2521’s journey to free will is set in motion by his desire to know, by deep thought and questioning widely held truths of his collective society. Equality 7-2521 blames his desire to know on a curse. He believes that he is cursed when he falls into deep thought, and questions the ways of the collective society (Rand, 21). An example of Equality 7-2521 desiring to know, was when he longed to see a reflection of himself, he thought to himself “Men never see their own faces and never ask their brothers about it, for it is evil to have concern
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