Manchild In The Promised Land Analysis

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The beginning chapters of “Manchild in the Promised Land” an autobiography of Claude Brown shows how hard life was for kids growing up in Harlem, New York during the 1940’s and 1950’s. So far it seems like it was impossible for not just Claude, but anybody to make it out of Harlem not just successful but alive. As Claude goes in depth of his early childhood it doesn’t seem like it is possible that this book is an autobiography. It seems like a fiction realistic fiction novel of growing up in the ghetto, I just cannot believe some of the situations he got into. Even though Claude seems like a true bad boy, his display of empathy at such a young age shows he can leave his horrible childhood behind and succeed in life. One of the first signs…show more content…
Meitner and Claude shows how much Claude can care for someone other than himself. When Claude sits down to talk to Mrs. Meitner he develops a love for her. When she talks to him for a while and tells him about her husband and past, Claude is mad that she had a husband that was killed by the Germans. Claude shows some of his immaturity when he first does not want to so the picture of him because he was jealous of Mr. Meitner. After he apologizes to her for saying he didn’t like her husband Claude reflects on Mrs. Meitner. Claude says he didn’t hate her husband because he made Mrs. Meitner happy but he hated Hitler for taking away her happiness. This shows how empathetic Claude was at such a young age. Even though he did not completely want to give up on the idea of marrying Mrs. Meitner he wanted her to be happy and “let her go.” This shows how Claude has traits that no other kid had his age. By seeing past Claude Brown’s bad boy ways of robbing, drug use and thuggish persona you see very grown up attitude of a kid not even in high school. Claude shows in numerous scenarios his care for others and his true attitude towards his peers and elders. The mature mind of Claude at such a young age, shown through his empathy is one of many reasons why Claude Brown did succeed and live a great life even though his struggles in Harlem growing

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