Manage Payroll Essay

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ESTABLISH PROCEDURES FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF PAYROLL Activity 1 1 What security procedures can be used to ensure confidentiality of payroll information? Strictly controlled Limited access Physical locking Security clearenaces Having appropriate conversations in the appropriate environments 2 George is the new manager of the payroll area. He is tasked with examining the security arrangements for the payroll area to ensure they are sufficient. What areas should he focus on to start his examination? The storage location of the payroll information, and the office space of the employees Activity 2 Explain the standard process used by payroll management to ensure employee allowance claims are substantiated. All payroll transactions are to be approved and authorised by payroll management. This will ensure that members will not have the access to approve their own payroll and ensure the integrity of the payroll system. Activity 3 Read the two scenarios and recommend one of the internal control measures for each. Explain why the recommended measure might stop the issue from recurring. 1 Timesheets from the call centre department have gone through without management authorisation. Timesheets are checked by independant supervisor prior to being processed. This will ensure that all levels of signature will be completed prior to advancing to the managers. 2 A payroll staff member has authorised all the payroll areas overtime payments including their own. All payroll transactions are to be approved and authorised by payroll management. This will ensure that members will not have the access to approve their own payroll and ensure the integrity of the payroll
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