Mall Vs Internet

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Mall Vs Internet Although the mall and online shopping offer similar products, time, cost, and customer service may influence the way people choose to shop. Online shopping is browsing and ordering items on a virtual interactive catalog on the internet. Today, people have many different choices in where they buy a gift or the perfect pair of shoes. People may think comparison shopping is different when shopping online, but comparing items in an online store is just as easy as it is in the real world. When interviewed, Suzanne Dhinoy stated that internet shopping was her preferred way to do all her shopping because it is like a interactive catalog (P.I). She said, “Online shopping is hassle free and a convenient, especially if people have no time to go out to shop”(P.I). There are many differences in the amount of time spent shopping at the mall and shopping online. First of all, people have to make time to drive to the mall, fight for a parking space, and in some cases, carry purchases to their cars in the rain. In addition, people scavenge the mall going from store to store in search for the best deals. However, online consumers can enjoy the advantages of shopping in their pajamas and avoiding crowds. Purchasing online is as simple as inputting your credit card information, and a click of the mouse. Instead of walking around the mall going from store to store, people can browse the internet to buy virtually anything. On the other hand, the internet does not provide people with delivery of purchased items the same day. Most online sites take one-to-five days to ship items to customers. Shopping at the mall means not having to wait for delivery. Secondly, the price of mall items and online items can be different when comparing seasonal sales, shipping fees, and taxes. Adriel Bettelheim reports the Marketing Corporation of America

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