Male Doninance over Female Dominance

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Anthea Longville Eng 101 Professor Muhlstein September 26, 2012 Male Dominance over Female Dominance In this essay, “Cinderella Stepsister”, Toni Morrison speaks about the violence that Women do to each other. However, she uses this fairytale Cinderella as a valuable lesson to let women know that they must not treat their stepsisters (other women) as Cinderella treated hers. She discusses the humiliation, abuse and the enslavement that other women willing do to others of their kind. She also stresses about women with power in society who bring down the less educated ones and also try to over-power those that are same rank with them. Morrison feels that women should work together with kindness and be generous towards each other. According to Morrison’s view female power differs from male power. It is because besides the obvious physiological differences, there are also different ways in which men and women speak, behave, and think. In order for us to understand men and women’s nature, society must do away with human subjectivity and look closer to what’s ahead. After years of male power and dominance, women have now risen against it. Women are now being recognized for their power and hopefully society will recognize the pleasing agreement between them. Women now have the power to make a place in this world. It is safe to say that men are physically stronger and usually by nature more aggressive, while women are the ideal form of inner dignity. True human dignity does not shout it’s a strong steady voice that speaks within. This unique deposition belongs to nature and social values. Women are not weak and men are not brutish. As we all know men and women are not alike physically but do have something’s in common. They must be themselves with or without power. As Morrison
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