Malcolm X Father

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Malcolm Little who’s known to modern America as Malcolm X and to the Nation of Islam as El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, was a man of great stature. Malcolm along with his eight brothers and sisters; Ella, Earl, Mary, Wilfred, Hilda, Philbert, Reginald, and Yvonne all lived a decent life for being in the 18th century, their parents Earl and Louise Little, two very strong individuals who cared, shaped and molded Malcolm into the man he became. His father Earl played the most important role in his life showing him what it means to be a man; Malcolm’s father, a Garvyite showed him favoritism, this could have been because Malcolm’s skin was lighter that the rest of his sibling, “Thinking about it now, I feel definitely that just as my father favored me for being lighter than the other children, my mother gave me hell for the same reason” (Malcolm X 82). Along with the favoritism he received he also was given opportunities to join his father in his meetings. Earl took Malcolm to his U.N.I.C meetings held in houses of the members of churches where his father preached. Malcolm witnessed what the men of the community all were part of; a secret society that focused on getting its people Africa. “One of the reasons I’ve always felt that my father favored me was that to the best of my remembrance, it was only me…show more content…
This was partly inspired by his thoughts of the white religion, “this religion taught the ‘Negro’ that black was a curse. It taught him to hate everything black, including himself” (Hartwell 210). Malcolm believed in non-violence when his adversaries where non-violent against him. Those where his tactics and during the civil rights movement made him a very respectable leader towards African Americans. Malcolm speeches gave his people pride to fight for what they wanted because unlike Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm believed that the only way to get what you want is through
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