Major Shifts In American Foreign Policy 1901-1914

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What were the major shifts in American foreign policy under the administrations of Theodore Roosevelt, William Taft, and Woodrow Wilson between 1901 and 1914? The major shifts between American foreign policy under Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson included a change from isolationism with the rest of the world to competing to be a potential imperialist power. Roosevelt used the Big Stick Diplomacy during his administration, which was known as the Roosevelt Corollary. William H. Taft used his dollar diplomacy during his administration. And Wilson used his Moral Diplomacy. During Theodore Roosevelt’s administration (1901-1909), President Roosevelt inherited the United States rising as an Imperial Power, rendering off any European presence in the Western Hemisphere, conquering the Philippines and Hawaii as an access point to get to China, and not to mention provoke Panama to gain their independence from Colombia, and gain the isthmus territory to build a canal connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Roosevelt showed the world that the United States was a very influential powerful country by sending the Great White Fleet on a world tour, demonstrating its military rise. Roosevelt believed that the underdeveloped countries of the world should be watched and policed, and his Roosevelt Corollary modified the Monroe Doctrine. His famous quote was “speak softly and carry a big stick”, which meant that you should negotiate in matter that both sides win, but if not in agreement then you should persuade the matter and use force if necessary. Roosevelt was known as the trustbuster to break up the big businesses of the United States, which have acquired too much power. He was a champion of the Progressive Movement and promised all Americans a Square Deal, of equal treatment to everyone, also proposed the new Federal Reserve Standard and was a champion of labor and environmental
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