Main Reasons for German Unification

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The formal unification of Germany into a politically and administratively integrated nation state officially occurred on 18 January 1871 at the Versailles Palace's Hall of Mirrors in France. This process came through due to years of turmoil and war, with many strategies and manipulations (such as the actions of Otto Von Bismarck to manipulate his way into wars). Different processes were set out, and due to them, a unified Germany was formed. The progress of German unification was greatly encouraged by the Zollverin, a customs union in Central Germany, where internal trade tariffs were abolished, and a common trade policy with external states was developed. As a result of the Zollverein, unification was encouraged, as the states within the German Confederation could now trade with each other easily, and their trading interactions helped lead to a common sense of nationalism. The Zollverin also reduced protectionist barriers among the German states (excluding Austria). This improved transportation of raw materials and goods. Materials moved easier across borders, which was less costly. This was important for emerging industrial centers. With the increase in amount of trade amongst one another, a closer bond was formed. Roads and railroad production was increasing rapidly during the early 19th Century. Roads were deteriorated to a great extent by various wars and other violent events. At this point in time, roads got improved and underwent repair on a larger extent; the production of railways skyrocketed in the German States. The expansion of railways increased industrialization and provided many raw materials, which could only be accessed to industries from far sources. Just like Zollverein, this made connections with one another (the German States) easier and promoted freedom, independence and prosperity. Germans began to see unity in factors other than language.
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