Magic Johnson: The Best Basketball Player

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Magic Johnson was one of the greatest NBA basketball players to ever play the game. Standing at 6’9, he revolutionized his position being the tallest point guard in NBA league history. He was born Earvin Johnson Jr. on August 14, 1959 in Lansing, Michigan. As a child he idolized many basketball players and was known to always have a basketball in his hand. "I practiced all day," Johnson told USA Weekend. "I dribbled to the store with my right hand and back with my left. Then I slept with my basketball." In a high school basketball game his sophomore year, Earvin was first dubbed “Magic” after recording a triple-double in a game. After a great high school career, Magic earned a basketball scholarship to Michigan State University. After only 2 seasons at Michigan State, Magic entered the…show more content…
Children from all over the world idolize professional athletes, buying there jersey, imitating there moves, and wishing to grow up to be like them. Magic Johnson was one of these guys. Not only did children idolize him, but many women as well. Magic was a regular in the LA night scene, known to go to many of the parties after Lakers wins. After taking a physical before the 1991-92 NBA season, Magic received news that changed his life forever. In a press conference held on November 7, 1991, Johnson made a public announcement that he would retire immediately after discovering he had been tested positive for HIV. Magic put a very public face on something many then considered a death sentence. In an article from CBS NEWS, AIDS researcher Dr. David Ho explained, "In 1991, about 10 years into the known epidemic, there were still only a few medications that could be used to treat HIV infections, so most people went on to to die within a few years of diagnosis. And Magic Johnson felt no different from anybody else." The once happy go lucky guy was now in a depressed state as his life could literally end at any given

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