Macbeth's Downfall Essay

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Macbeth’s Downfall Macbeth is at complete fault that lead to his downfall. Instead of waiting to see if the prophecies and apparitions came true, Macbeth decided to take fate into his own hands, and paid with his life. Although the witch’s prophecies and apparitions were quite startling, he could have waited to see if they were telling the truth or not; how far can you really trust a witch? One prophecy told Macbeth that he would be thane of Cawdor. He did not interfere with that prophecy. Not only did it come true, it gave Macbeth more power. The original thane of Cawdor suddenly just passed away and Macbeth was made his replacement. If that happened naturally, without a problem, then why didn’t Macbeth have more faith in the other…show more content…
These cryptic messages lead Macbeth to attempt to resist the inevitable. They also use serious loophole to get around telling the complete truth and saying what is going to happen. The second apparition claims that he will not be killed “’till Birnam Wood move up Dunsinane”. It appears this meaning means the trees will have to uproots and somehow move up the hill before he is killed. But in reality, Malcolm’s’ English troops break off branches off the trees and it looks as if Birnam Wood is walking up Dunsinane hill. But the third apparition is the most misleading. It claims that Macbeth cannot be killed by anyone borne of woman. As far as biology goes, all living mammals are borne of female. This makes Macbeth feel invincible. As he taunts Young Siward, telling him he cannot be killed, he slays the young lad. Then the unthinkable happens. Macbeth and Macduff battle it out, Macbeth reminding Macduff the whole time he cannot die; then Macbeth is slain. “But I thought Macbeth couldn’t be killed by anyone borne of female”? If you are wondering this, then you are wondering the right thing. It turns out Macduff was borne from a sea-section, not biologically. This cleverly and effectively loop holed the
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