Macbeth and its relevance on a modern society

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Why Shakespeare? Why study something that’s not in our modern day tongue? What really is the point? These are questions that have passed many minds of students through time. Shakespeare’s plays usually contain hard to understand language, historic references and ancient settings, something that many people find boring and irrelevant. Indeed, Shakespeare shaped our literacy world, practically inventing modern English. He wrote plays that entertained and touched hearts world wide. But this is all the past. Why must we, as students of the new millennium study and analyse texts by Shakespeare such as Macbeth, the play I will be addressing in my essay, that were written over four hundred years ago? Is it really relevant for a modern day audience? Then answer is Yes. Although the factors I have stated contribute to making Macbeth a harder text to read the play includes a lot of important theme-based learning, mechanical play building ideas, uses common figures of speech important for literature education, dramatic perspective, has a rich story and is a worldwide all time classic. ‘A classic is something everyone wants to do have read and nobody wants to read’. This was said by Mark Twain, a statement containing much truth in our nowadays society. A case of this is Macbeth. We hear references to Macbeth everywhere. Characters from other plays are based on characters from Macbeth such as the evil and manipulative Lady Macbeth for example the character of Nikki Reed in the movie ‘Cherry Crush’. Nikki manipulates and uses a boy in love with her to kill a man so that she can get money out of it. The ways that Nikki and Lady Macbeth are similar are that they are both hungry for power as Lady Macbeth wants Macbeth to have power and ridicules his masculinity in order to make him commit the murder. A classic is widely discussed around the world, and Macbeth is definitely one

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