Macbeth Ambition Research Paper

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Ambition of Macbeth What are your thoughts on ambition? After all everybody needs ambition to be successful right? Well how much ambition is too much? In Macbeth it is arguable who has the most ambition throughout the story but also proves too much ambition can be a bad thing. After all, ambition brings about the success and downfall of Macbeth; Lady Macbeth’s ambition got Macbeth started on success, then his on ambition led him the rest of the way to his eventual downfall. Lady Macbeth’s ambition unquestionably helped convince Macbeth to do the things he did. She had so much ambition she wished she were someone else so she didn’t need her husband to do things for her, “Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here… that…show more content…
Lady Macbeth pushed him to kill Duncan so that he may be king but it was his own ambition that he acted upon, “I go, and it is done: the bell invites me. Hear it not, Duncan, for it is a knell that summons thee to heaven or hell.” (II, I, 21) He has made up his mind and if you didn’t know about Lady Macbeth one would think these were his thoughts and his alone. Another act of Macbeth’s ambition after becoming king is that he decides Banquo may no longer live, “It is concluded: Banquo, thy soul’s flight, if it find heaven, must find it out unto-night.” (III, I, 37) The underlying factor is that Macbeth did not even consult with Lady Macbeth before making up his mind; this was 100 percent him. After seeing the three witches again Macbeth makes the decision to kill Macduff and his family to verify Macduff will not be the death of Macbeth, “The castle of Macduff I will surprise; seize upon Fife; give to the edge o’ the sword his wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls that trace him in his hive.” (IV, I, 56) Also an action that Macbeth made on his own Macbeth’s ambition would lead the still living Macduff to exact his revenge on Macbeth. Ambition brings about the success and downfall of Macbeth; Lady Macbeth’s ambition got Macbeth started on success, then his own ambition led him the rest of the way to his eventual downfall. In Macbeth it is arguable who has the most ambition throughout the story but also proves too much ambition can be a bad thing. So how much ambition is too

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