MGT 350 Critical Thinking Application

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Critical Thinking Application Paper Russell Young MGT/350 June 29, 2011 Ronald Korrub Critical Thinking Application Paper Although people around the world use critical thinking almost every day about their life, work, and business decisions hoping to make the best decision possible, but what is critical thinking. According to Foundation for Critical Thinking (2009), "Critical thinking is that mode of thinking - about any subject, content, or problem - in which the thinker improves the quality of his or her thinking by skillfully taking charge of the structures inherent in thinking and imposing intellectual standards upon them.” In this paper I will provide some of my personal experiences about applying critical thinking to a work-related decision, and the importance and benefits of critical thinking in the decision-making processes. I have been with my job for about eight in half years now and my best critical decision I think I ever made was eight in half years ago when I left my job of 10 years at Harper College Police Department to go to Palatine Police Department…show more content…
So I had to decide if I wanted to take that open position or stay where I am in the dispatch room since it meant no more money or a change in benefits for me because I would be under the same title as I was now. The only draw for this position is that you are out in a car helping the citizens of the town in a non-emergency type of way and you’re not sitting inside sounded by glass like you’re in a fish bowl and with management watching every move that you make. The decision that I made was to take the new position of a police assistant and I was on my own making decisions myself and I never been happier since now I have been in this position for five in half years
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