Low Brass Ensembles Concert

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Name: LaKeiyra Green Music 1091, Section: 41173 Instructor: Dr. James Name of Event: Low Brass Ensembles Concert Performance Date: November 7, 2013 Time: 7:30 Location: Emy- Lou Biedenharn Recital Hall What did you hear? On Thursday, I attended the Low Brass Ensembles Concert at the recital hall on campus. There were three different groups that came out. The first group was the ULM Trombone Ensemble, the second group was the Tuba- Euphonium Mansemble, and the final group to come out on stage was the ULM Tuba- Euphonium Ensemble. The first group played trombones, and the second and third groups both played tubas. This concert was one of my favorites this year. The first piece played by the ULM Trombone Ensemble was “Achieved Is The Glorious Work”. It was very celebratory, and it reminded me of a wedding of a royal couple. The second piece played was “Summertime”, and it was jazzy with a very smooth sound. It also sounded very familiar to me. In this piece the trombones were harmonizing beautifully. The last piece played by the first group was called “Finale from the ‘William Tell Overture’”. This song was very popular, and it is also very popular. I’m pretty sure everyone in the building had heard this song performed numerous times before. After the first group performed their third song, the first group of tubas came onto the stage. The first song the Tuba- Euphonium Mansemble played was “Hide and Seek”. It was a slow, peaceful, and soothing song. Next, they played “Cool Suite” which was broken into two parts and accompanied by drums. The first part of this piece was called “Hangin’ Out”, and it was cool and also jazzy. I loved the arrangement of this song. Secondly, they played a song called “Strollin’”. This was the perfect name for this song, and I enjoyed it a whole lot. It sounded like someone taking a stroll through an alley,

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