Loving vs Virgin

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‘’Loving Vs. Virginia’’ The loving vs. Virginia case changed the nation in 1967 made the United States more equal, This case Was because of the miscegenation law best called as interracial marriage that prohibit of mixing Ethnicities. Before Loving vs. Virginia miscegenation was in 15 states most of the states decided to drop It, now it’s legal in the United States Of America. Loving vs. Virginia case was caused because a black woman named Mildred Jeter and a white male Named Richard Loving got married in the District of Columbia pursuant to its laws, another anti-social Laws that related to this case was the ‘’Heart of Atlanta motel case’’ a hotel room refused to rent rooms To black patrons, Right now were looking at the precedent in gay marriage which is a similar case as the Miscegenation case in 1967, Since the miscegenation law got drop United states made Legal the Marriage of different ethnicities there’s more equality in the country, When the Supreme Court Mandated legal the interracial marriage a lot of people didn’t agree as much as the push back the right of marring other people from your ethnicity, it made a huge change in the way of America The plaintiffs in the case were Mildred Delores Loving, née a woman of African Native American descent and Richard Perry Loving a white man At the age of 18, Mildred became pregnant, and in June 1958 the couple traveled to Washington, DC to marry, thereby evading Virginia's Racial Integrity Act of 1924, which made interracial marriage a crime. They returned to the small town of Central Point, Virginia. Based on an anonymous tip,[8] local police raided their home at night, hoping to find them having sex, which was also a crime according to Virginia law. When the officers found the Lovings sleeping in their bed, Mildred pointed out their marriage certificate on the bedroom wall.
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