Louis Napoleon Bonaparte

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Aoife Martin 11122382 B.Ed Liam Chambers ‘In western Europe, the pragmatic conservatism of the post-1848 era was embodied in Louis Napoleon’s France. The Bonapartist regime combined authoritarianism with more than a nod to popular sovereignty, economic development and social reform.’ (Michael Rapport). Discuss with reference to Louis Napoleon’s France between 1851 and 1870. Aoife Martin 11122382 B.Ed Group 5 ‘In western Europe, the pragmatic conservatism of the post-1848 era was embodied in Louis Napoleon’s France. The Bonapartist regime combined authoritarianism with more than a nod to popular sovereignty, economic development and social reform.’ (Michael Rapport). Discuss with reference to Louis Napoleon’s France between 1851 and 1870. Louis Napoleon Bonaparte’s regime was undoubtedly both authoritarian and liberal. He was very authoritarian in his politics at the beginning of his reign as president of France in the 1850’s, as he was anti-parliamentary; he maintained press censorship and also had good relations with the clergy. Louis Napoleon claimed that sovereignty of the people was his first priority, but it is obvious that his authoritarian rule actually came first. However, The Bonapartist regime became a little more liberal in the 1860’s as Louis Napoleon became more lenient on press censorship, he allowed for open debates to take place in the parliament. He also began urban renewal and development projects in Paris and constructed railways which encouraged and created economic development. He appeared to be a very reliable and suitable emperor, but his main downfall was his terrible decisions when it came to his foreign policy which ultimately led to his demise. France was in a bad state after the revolutions of 1848 which was sparked, because the King Louis-Philippe and his ministers refused an extension to the franchise. Those who
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