Lost Woods Analysis

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Last Child in the Woods Analysis Throughout Last Child in the Woods, Louv talks about how mankind is losing his connection with nature and how society today is instead widening the gap by focusing on technology instead of nature. As part of the technological generation of kids, I believe this is very true as I recollect my parents sharing with me what they did when they grew up and I was answered with “we played outside” and “we didn’t have all of the technology today you guys have”. In Richard Louv's essay titled Last Child in the Woods, Louv uses a hyperbole, an anecdote, and imagery to convey how mankind is losing his connection with nature. One of the major strategies that Louv uses is a hyperbole. Louv tells about an encounter he had with a car salesman and how the salesman‘s “jaw dropped” and almost “refused to let him leave the dealership without an explanation”. The use of this hyperbole helps show the reader how common the average person would react when someone decides to not choose technology over viewing nature and how the need for technology is common today. Also, this hyperbole shows the frustration the author must have felt when dealing with someone who couldn’t understand his viewpoint. Louv uses the anecdote which describes the story about him looking out the window of a car and how he used his fingers to draw pictures on fogged glass. This gives a much more personal feeling as it gives a relatable story for many readers to reflect on. In today’s society, you see kids playing on devices like i-pads or watching a movie instead of enjoying the beauty of nature itself like Louv describes which shows the sad truth that exists in society today. The particular effect of this is that it gets the reader to reevaluate how he or she may be living today and how they may be contributing to the widening gap with nature and mankind. Lastly, Louv uses various
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