Lord Of The Flies By William Golding: Chapter Analysis

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At the beginning, the character Piggy mentions that there is a war going on. In the third or fourth chapter, the corpse of a dead paratrooper drops from the sky on to the island. The cause of the paratrooper's death is of course, war. But then again, isn't that the same thing that caused the children to be stranded on the island in the first place? And at the end of the novel, the island is scroched as Jack's tribe hunts down Ralph. Finally, Ralph lands at the feet of a naval officer. In this scene, Golding includes in his description of the naval officer; his badges and a gun, which the officer is about to draw. And also, he gives a brief description of the guns on the officer's ship. There is a sort of transition her; when the reader thinks that Ralph and the otehr kids have escaped violence and "returned" to civilization, we are shown that "civilization" is actually no better than the savage lives the children were living.…show more content…
There were two main conflicts unfolding simultaneously in the novel; one was that of Jack's tribe's effort to stake Ralph's head on a stick and another, a global war. Both of these conflicts are rooted in fear. The conflict on the island was rooted in the fear and paranoia caused by the children's inability to adapt to their new surroundings. The global conflict, was caused by the fear and paranoia caused by dsitrust among nations. Of course, like the conflict on the island, the gobal conflict might have followed the pattern of evolving from fear, and then having leaders who inject greed into this fear, like Jack did, resulting in

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