Lord of the Flies Book Review

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Lord of the Flies Lord of the Flies is what I would call an Iconic American book, read throughout US schools as a curriculum. Most kids won’t get out of Jr. High without reading the dark take by Stephen King. Oddly enough it’s a very dark book with many graphic scenes throughout. How it wasn’t banned from the school system is still ironic, considering some of the books that have been. What Stephen King does and with Lord of the Flies imparticular is put the reader in those kids’ shoes. It helps that you read it as a kid the same age as them. The book does an amazing job really describing the characters and their environment; examples like Ralph is “fair” and “attractive” while Jack is “tall, thin, and bony...his hair was red beneath the black cap. His face was...freckled, and ugly without silliness.” These descriptive words do an amazing job at giving you a visual to build off in your mind as you read through. This book is also much deeper than just words; symbols are produced throughout this book giving it a greater meaning and depth. The Conch Shell (A device used by the boys to signify who is talking) is a symbol of order and organization within the group. When the Conch is broken so is their order and organization which leaves the group lost and slowly turned savage. Another sybol is Piggy’s glasses, since Piggy is representative of the intelligent and rational one of the group, his glasses symbolize the power of intellectuality and science. These symbols are what develop the books mature appeal, making it an almost instant classic for all ages to enjoy. I high recommend this book if you have not read it all ready, if you’re looking for a book you can be in captured by this is it. With its amazing use of descriptive words that put you on the island with them and the thought provoking concepts, everyone can take at least one thing away from this

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