Lord Capulet Is To Blame In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet Essay By: Hasan Jafri It is said that one’s actions can greatly affect the lives of another. In society, such actions can negatively or positively change the lives of people. One of the worst can be interpreted from William Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet. The person who is greatly to blame for an unhappy ending to Romeo and Juliet is Lord Capulet. Firstly, Lord Capulet is the main reason for an unhappy ending because he takes violent actions as he is aggressive, rude and lacks parental skills. To begin, Lord Capulet wants to murder Montagues on sight. As proof, Lord Capulet is aggressive from the start, “What noise is this? Give me my longsword [...]/ My sword, I say! Old Montague is come And flourishes his blade

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