Long Term Goals

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College students have short-term and long-term goals that they desire to achieve. Achieving a goal at any level would be a great accomplishment of mine. My objective is to work hard at improving my writing skills, having better study skills, and becoming an enhanced student overall. Once I graduate from GCU; I will have a higher level of communication skills, and confidence to become professional and skilled in all that I achieve. A college degree in Elementary Education is essential to me because I want to teach others the value of fun, learning, and the capability to be involved in exciting adventures throughout life. My personal goal is to obtain my bachelors degree in education. GCU is working as a team to help guide me through the higher education process. The team consists of a support system that can direct me academically and emotionally. The academic counselors are on hand to help answer questions, providing constructive criticism as well as positive comments and rewards. GCU instructors are always accessible with advice to assist me in staying on track with my career goal.…show more content…
The purpose of higher learning allows growth while broadening my perspective to help educate others. The complete and concise curriculum allows me to prioritize my daily routines to become an enhanced student and educator. My concerns and difficulties were at a low level during this module because of the great support system provided in the GCU program. Organizing and prioritizing were a little difficult because achieving my personal, academic, and career goals are all on equal ground. The final outcome entails personal, academic, and career goals that will be gained during my pursuit of higher
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