Logical Fallacies

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Deroy Murdock is a columnist for Scripps Howard News Service and also a senior fellow for the Atlas Economic Research Foundation. (Murdock “Terrorism” Handout) He wrote an article “Terrorism and the English Language”. Murdock disturbingly explains the horrific terrorists’ acts on the United States civilians and militants. He believes that if people of America forget the terrorist attack on September 11th of the Twin Towers, the Pentagon in Washington D.C. and Shanksville, Pennsylvania, it would be easier for terrorists to attack the United States again. Murdock mentions possible methods to alert danger of the terror to America. However, Murdock’s article uses very disturbing ways to notify Americans, the article consist of some logical…show more content…
One other logical fallacy that as recognized was circular reasoning, which means the conclusion of an argument is hidden in the argument’s premise. For example, cigarettes are dangerous because they ruin your health. The repetition of the key terms or ideas is not real evidence. (Goshgarian 25) In Murdock’s article, “Terrorist do not simply “threaten” us, nor does Homeland Security merely shield American from “future attacks” these things are true, but it is more persuasive to acknowledge what these people have done and hope to do once more: Wipe us out.” (Murdock “Terrorism” Handout) This specific phrase from Murdock’s article is circular reasoning because terrorist means terror or threaten and security means to keep safe. By Murdock using these words, it’s considered a circular reasoning because of the repetition of what terrorists and Homeland Security supposed to…show more content…
Ad Misericordium Argument (or also- called pity appeal) is recognized in Murdock’s article. This logical fallacy means appealing to the reader’s emotions rather that reason because pity appeal feels like manipulation and distraction from the real issue. (Goshgarian 24) Ad Misericordium is shown through, “Victims of terrorism do not “die”, nor are they “lost”. They are killed, murdered, slaughtered. Likewise, many people “died” in the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. No, people “die” in hospitals, often by their loved ones while doctors and nurses offer them aid in comfort. The innocent people at the World Trade Center, the Defense Department and that field is Shanksville, Pennsylvania were killed in carefully choreographed act of mass murder.” (Murdock “Terrorism” Handout) This is considered as am Ad Misericordium because it states “innocent people” and is appealing to the reader’s emotions making them feel sorry for the innocent civilians
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